

The core LVGL library and the demos are directly available as Arduino libraries.

Note that you need to choose a powerful enough board to run LVGL and your GUI. See the requirements of LVGL.

For example ESP32 is a good candidate to create your UI with LVGL.

LVGL 核心库演示仓库 可直接作为 Arduino 库使用。

请注意,您需要选择一个足够强大的板来运行 LVGL 和您的 GUI。请参阅 LVGL 的运行要求

例如,ESP32 是使用 LVGL 创建 UI 的不错选择。

Get the LVGL Arduino library(获取 LVGL Arduino 库)


LVGL can be installed via the Arduino IDE Library Manager or as a .ZIP library.

LVGL 可以通过 Arduino IDE 库管理器安装或作为 .ZIP 库安装。

Set up drivers(设置驱动程序)


To get started it's recommended to use TFT_eSPI library as a TFT driver to simplify testing. To make it work setup TFT_eSPI according to your TFT display type via editing either

  • User_Setup.h

  • or by selecting a configuration in the User_Setup_Select.h

Both files are located in TFT_eSPI library's folder.

首先,建议使用 TFT_eSPI 库作为 TFT 驱动程序以简化测试。 为了使其工作,根据您的 TFT 显示类型通过编辑设置“TFT_eSPI”

  • User_Setup.h

  • 或通过在“User_Setup_Select.h”中选择配置 这两个文件都位于TFT_eSPI 库的文件夹中。

Configure LVGL(配置LVGL)


LVGL has its own configuration file called lv_conf.h. When LVGL is installed the followings needs to be done to configure it:

  1. Go to directory of the installed Arduino libraries

  2. Go to lvgl and copy lv_conf_template.h as lv_conf.h into the Arduino Libraries directory next to the lvgl library folder.

  3. Open lv_conf.h and change the first #if 0 to #if 1

  4. Set the color depth of you display in LV_COLOR_DEPTH


LVGL 有自己的配置文件,名为 lv_conf.h。安装 LVGL 后,需要进行以下配置:

  1. 进入已安装的 Arduino 库目录

  2. 转到lvgl 并将lv_conf_template.h 作为lv_conf.h 复制到lvgl 库文件夹旁边的Arduino Libraries 目录中。

  3. 打开lv_conf.h,将第一个#if 0改为#if 1

  4. LV_COLOR_DEPTH中设置你显示的颜色深度


Initialize LVGL and run an example(初始化 LVGL 并运行示例)


Take a look at LVGL_Arduino.ino to see how to initialize LVGL. TFT_eSPI is used as the display driver.

In the INO file you can see how to register a display and a touch pad for LVGL and call an example.

Note that, there is no dedicated INO file for every example but you can call functions like lv_example_btn_1() or lv_example_slider_1() to run an example. Most of the examples are available in the lvgl/examples folder. Some are also available in lv_demos, which needs to be installed and configured separately.

我们看看 LVGL_Arduino.ino 是如何初始化 LVGL的。 TFT_eSPI 用作显示驱动程序。

在 INO 文件中,您可以看到如何为 LVGL 注册显示器和触摸板并调用示例。

请注意,每个示例都没有专用的 INO 文件,但您可以调用诸如“lv_example_btn_1()”或“lv_example_slider_1()”之类的函数来运行示例。 大多数示例都可以在 lvgl/examples 文件夹中找到。 lv_demos中也有一些,需要单独安装配置。

Debugging and logging(调试和日志)


In case of trouble LVGL can display debug information. In the LVGL_Arduino.ino example there is my_print method, which allow to send this debug information to the serial interface. To enable this feature you have to edit lv_conf.h file and enable logging in the section log settings:

如果出现故障,LVGL 可以显示调试信息。 在 LVGL_Arduino.ino 示例中有 my_print 方法,它允许将此调试信息发送到串行接口。 要启用此功能,您必须编辑“lv_conf.h”文件并在“日志设置”部分启用日志记录:

/*Log settings*/
#define USE_LV_LOG      1   /*Enable/disable the log module*/
/* How important log should be added:
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE       A lot of logs to give detailed information
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO        Log important events
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN        Log if something unwanted happened but didn't cause a problem
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR       Only critical issue, when the system may fail
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_NONE        Do not log anything

After enabling the log module and setting LV_LOG_LEVEL accordingly the output log is sent to the Serial port @ 115200 bps.

启用日志模块并相应地设置 LV_LOG_LEVEL 后,输出日志会以 115200 bps 的速度发送到“串行”端口。