
Simulator on PC(PC端模拟器)


You can try out LVGL using only your PC (i.e. without any development boards). LVGL will run on a simulator environment on the PC where anyone can write and experiment with real LVGL applications.

Using the simulator on a PC has the following advantages:

  • Hardware independent: Write code, run it on the PC and see the result on a monitor.

  • Cross-platform: Any Windows, Linux or macOS system can run the PC simulator.

  • Portability: The written code is portable, which means you can simply copy it when migrating to embedded hardware.

  • Easy Validation: The simulator is also very useful to report bugs because it provides a common platform for every user.

  • Better developer experience: On PC Debuggers are usually faster and better, you can log to files, add a lot of printf-s, do profiling, and so on.

您可以使用仅您的个人电脑 (即没有任何开发板)来尝试 LVGL。 LVGL 将在个人电脑的模拟器环境中运行,任何人都可以编写和试验真正的 LVGL 应用程序。


  • 硬件无关:编写代码,在个人电脑上运行,并在监视器上查看结果。

  • 跨平台:任何 Windows、Linux 或 macOS 系统都可以运行个人电脑模拟器。

  • 可移植性:编写的代码是可移植的,这意味着在迁移到嵌入式硬件时,您可以简单地复制它。

  • 易于验证:模拟器还非常有用,可用于报告错误,因为它为每位用户提供了一个通用平台。

  • 更好的开发体验:在 PC 调试器中,它们通常更快更好,您可以记录到文件、添加许多 printf 语句、进行分析等等。

Select an IDE(选择一个IDE)


The simulator is ported to various IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). Choose your favorite IDE, read its README on GitHub, download the project, and load it to the IDE.

External project not maintained by the LVGL organization:

模拟器已移植到各种集成开发环境(IDE)中。 选择您喜欢的 IDE,在 GitHub 上阅读其 README,下载项目,并将其加载到 IDE 中。

非 LVGL 组织维护的外部项目:

Built-in drivers(内置驱动)


LVGL comes with several built-in drivers.

Even if a simulator project comes with e.g. SDL, you can easily replace it by enabling another driver in lv_conf.h and calling its create function.

For example to use the Linux frame buffer device instead of SDL just enable LV_USE_LINUX_FBDEV and call

lv_display_t *display = lv_linux_fbdev_create();
lv_linux_fbdev_set_file(display, "/dev/fb0")

LVGL带有若干个 内置驱动.

即使模拟器项目附带了例如 SDL,你也能通过在 lv_conf.h 中启用另一个驱动并调用其 create 函数来轻松替换它。

例如,要使用 Linux 帧缓冲设备而不是 SDL,只需启用 LV_USE_LINUX_FBDEV 并调用相关函数即可。