


The basic concept of a display in LVGL is explained in the Porting(移植) section. So before reading further, please read that section first.


LVGL中的 显示 基本概念在 Porting(移植) 部分有解释。因此在继续阅读之前,请先阅读该部分。

Multiple display support(多显示器支持)


In LVGL you can have multiple displays, each with their own driver, widgets and color depth.

Creating more displays is easy: just use lv_display_create() and add set the buffer and the flush_cb. When you create the UI, use lv_display_set_default(disp) to tell the library on which display to create objects.

Why would you want multi-display support? Here are some examples:

  • Have a "normal" TFT display with local UI and create "virtual" screens on VNC on demand. (You need to add your VNC driver).

  • Have a large TFT display and a small monochrome display.

  • Have some smaller and simple displays in a large instrument or technology.

  • Have two large TFT displays: one for a customer and one for the shop assistant.


创建更多的显示器很简单:只需使用 lv_display_create() 并设置缓冲区和 flush_cb。当你创建UI时,使用 lv_display_set_default(disp) 告诉库在哪个显示器上创建对象。


  • 在TFT显示屏上有本地UI,并在VNC上按需创建“虚拟”屏幕。(你需要添加VNC驱动程序)。

  • 有一个大型TFT显示屏和一个小型单色显示屏。

  • 在大型仪器或技术中有一些较小和简单的显示器。

  • 有两个大型TFT显示器:一个供客户使用,一个供店员使用。

Using only one display(仅使用一个显示器)


Using more displays can be useful but in most cases it's not required. Therefore, the whole concept of multi-display handling is completely hidden if you register only one display. By default, the last created (and only) display is used.

lv_screen_active(), lv_screen_load(), lv_layer_top(), lv_layer_sys(), LV_HOR_RES and LV_VER_RES are always applied on the most recently created (default) display. If you pass NULL as disp parameter to display related functions the default display will usually be used. E.g. lv_display_trigger_activity(NULL) will trigger a user activity on the default display. (See below in Inactivity).

使用更多的显示器可能是有用的,但在大多数情况下并不需要。 因此,如果您只注册一个显示器,则整个多显示器处理的概念将完全隐藏。 默认情况下,将使用最后创建的(也是唯一的)显示器。

lv_screen_active()lv_screen_load()lv_layer_top()lv_layer_sys()LV_HOR_RESLV_VER_RES 总是应用于最近创建的(默认)显示器。 如果您将 disp 参数传递给显示相关的函数时为 NULL,通常会使用默认显示器。 例如,lv_display_trigger_activity(NULL) 将在默认显示器上触发一个用户活动。(在下面的 Inactivity 中查看)。

Mirror display(镜像显示)


To mirror the image of a display to another display, you don't need to use multi-display support. Just transfer the buffer received in flush_cb to the other display too.

将一个显示器的图像镜像到另一个显示器上,你不需要使用多显示器支持。只需将在 flush_cb 中接收到的缓冲区也传输到另一个显示器上即可。

Split image(分割图像)


You can create a larger virtual display from an array of smaller ones. You can create it as below: 1. Set the resolution of the displays to the large display's resolution. 2. In flush_cb, truncate and modify the area parameter for each display. 3. Send the buffer's content to each real display with the truncated area.



  1. 将显示器的分辨率设置为大显示器的分辨率。

  2. flush_cb 函数中,截取和修改每个显示器的 area 参数。

  3. 将缓冲区的内容发送到每个真实显示器,使用截取的区域。



Every display has its own set of screens and the objects on each screen.

Be sure not to confuse displays and screens:

  • Displays are the physical hardware drawing the pixels.

  • Screens are the high-level root objects associated with a particular display. One display can have multiple screens associated with it, but not vice versa.

Screens can be considered the highest level containers which have no parent. A screen's size is always equal to its display and their origin is (0;0). Therefore, a screen's coordinates can't be changed, i.e. lv_obj_set_pos(), lv_obj_set_size() or similar functions can't be used on screens.

A screen can be created from any object type but the two most typical types are Base object and Image (to create a wallpaper).

To create a screen, use lv_obj_t * scr = lv_<type>_create(NULL). NULL indicates no parent.

To load a screen, use lv_screen_load(scr). To get the active screen, use lv_screen_active(). These functions work on the default display. If you want to specify which display to work on, use lv_display_get_screen_active(disp) and lv_display_load_screen(disp, scr). A screen can be loaded with animations too. Read more here.

Screens can be deleted with lv_obj_delete(scr), but ensure that you do not delete the currently loaded screen.



  • 显示器 是绘制像素的物理硬件。

  • 屏幕 是与特定显示器关联的高级根对象。一个显示器可以有多个与之关联的屏幕,但反之不行。

屏幕可以被视为最高级的容器,它们没有父级。屏幕的大小始终等于其显示器的大小,它们的原点是(0;0)。因此,屏幕的坐标无法更改,即不能在屏幕上使用 lv_obj_set_pos()lv_obj_set_size() 或类似的函数。

屏幕可以从任何对象类型创建,但最常见的两种类型是 基本对象Image (用于创建壁纸)。

要创建一个屏幕,请使用 lv_obj_t * scr = lv_<type>_create(NULL)NULL 表示没有父级。

要加载一个屏幕,请使用 lv_screen_load(scr)。要获取活动屏幕,请使用 lv_screen_active()。这些函数适用于默认显示器。如果您要指定要在哪个显示器上工作,请使用 lv_display_get_screen_active(disp)lv_display_load_screen(disp, scr)。屏幕还可以加载动画。了解更多信息,请参阅 这里

屏幕可以使用 lv_obj_delete(scr) 删除,但请确保不要删除当前加载的屏幕。

Transparent screens(透明屏幕)


Usually, the opacity of the screen is LV_OPA_COVER to provide a solid background for its children. If this is not the case (opacity < 100%) the display's bottom_layer be visible. If the bottom layer's opacity is also not LV_OPA_COVER LVGL has no solid background to draw.

This configuration (transparent screen and display) could be used to create for example OSD menus where a video is played on a lower layer, and a menu is overlaid on an upper layer.

To properly render the screen the display's color format needs to be set to one with alpha channel.

In summary, to enable transparent screens and displays for OSD menu-like UIs:

通常,屏幕的不透明度是 LV_OPA_COVER,以为它的子元素提供一个坚实的背景。如果不是这种情况(不透明度<100%),显示的 bottom_layer 将会可见。如果底层的不透明度也不是 LV_OPA_COVER,LVGL 将无法绘制坚实的背景。

这种配置(透明屏幕和显示屏)可以用于创建例如 OSD 菜单,在其中视频在底层播放,菜单被叠加在上层。

为了正确地渲染屏幕,显示的颜色格式需要设置为带有 alpha 通道的格式。

总之,要为 OSD 菜单般的用户界面启用透明屏幕和显示:

Features of displays(显示器的特点)



A user's inactivity time is measured on each display. Every use of an Input device (if associated with the display) counts as an activity. To get time elapsed since the last activity, use lv_display_get_inactive_time(disp). If NULL is passed, the lowest inactivity time among all displays will be returned (NULL isn't just the default display).

You can manually trigger an activity using lv_display_trigger_activity(disp). If disp is NULL, the default screen will be used (and not all displays).

用户的不活动时间是在每个显示器上进行测量的。每次使用 Input device (如果 与显示器相关联)都会被视为一次活动。要获取自上次活动以来经过的时间,请使用 lv_display_get_inactive_time(disp)。 如果传递了 NULL,则将返回所有显示器中最低的不活动时间( 不是默认显示)。

您可以使用 lv_display_trigger_activity(disp) 手动触发一次活动。如果 dispNULL,则将使用默认屏幕( 而不是所有显示器)。



Every display has a background color, background image and background opacity properties. They become visible when the current screen is transparent or not positioned to cover the whole display.

The background color is a simple color to fill the display. It can be adjusted with lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(obj, color);

The display background image is a path to a file or a pointer to an lv_image_dsc_t variable (converted image data) to be used as wallpaper. It can be set with lv_obj_set_style_bg_image_src(obj, &my_img); If a background image is configured the background won't be filled with bg_color.

The opacity of the background color or image can be adjusted with lv_obj_set_style_bg_opa(obj, opa).

The disp parameter of these functions can be NULL to select the default display.


背景颜色是填充显示屏的简单颜色。可以使用 lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(obj, color) 来调整它。

显示背景图像是一个文件路径或指向 lv_image_dsc_t 变量(转换后的图像数据)的指针,以用作壁纸。可以使用 lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_src(obj, &my_img) 来设置它。 如果配置了背景图像,背景就不会用 bg_color 填充。

背景颜色或图像的不透明度可以使用 lv_obj_set_style_bg_opa(obj, opa) 来调整。

这些函数的 disp 参数可以是 NULL 以选择默认显示。


