
Widget Property(小部件属性)


Widgets have many properties that can decide what they look like and how they behave. For example, the size, position, color, font, etc. are properties of a widget. Specially, widget local style is also a property of a widget.

部件具有许多属性,这些属性可以决定它们的外观和行为。 例如,大小、位置、颜色、字体等都是部件的属性。 特别地,部件的本地样式也是部件的一个属性。



Two APIs are provided to get/set widget properties. It can be enabled by setting LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY to 1 in lv_conf.h.

Set LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAME to 1 in order to use property name instead of ID.

typedef struct {
    lv_prop_id_t id;
    union {
        int32_t num;                /**< Number integer number (opacity, enums, booleans or "normal" numbers)*/
        const void * ptr;           /**< Constant pointers  (font, cone text, etc)*/
        lv_color_t color;           /**< Colors*/
        lv_value_precise_t precise; /**< float or int for precise value*/
        struct {
            lv_style_value_t style; /**< Make sure it's the first element in struct. */
            uint32_t selector;      /**< Style selector, lv_part_t | lv_state_t */
} lv_property_t;

lv_result_t lv_obj_set_property(lv_obj_t * obj, const lv_property_t * value);
lv_property_t lv_obj_get_property(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_prop_id_t id);

lv_prop_id_t lv_obj_property_get_id(const lv_obj_class_t * clz, const char * name);

提供了两个API来获取/设置小部件属性。可以通过在 lv_conf.h 中将 LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY 设置为 1 来启用。

将宏 LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAME 设置为 1 ,以便使用属性名称而不是ID。

typedef struct {
    lv_prop_id_t id;
    union {
        int32_t num;                /**< 整数数字(不透明度,枚举,布尔值或“正常”数字)*/
        const void * ptr;           /**< 常量指针(字体,文本等)*/
        lv_color_t color;           /**< 颜色*/
        lv_value_precise_t precise; /**< float或int表示精确值*/
        struct {
            lv_style_value_t style; /**< 确保它是结构中的第一个元素。 */
            uint32_t selector;      /**< 样式选择器, lv_part_t | lv_state_t */
} lv_property_t;

lv_result_t lv_obj_set_property(lv_obj_t * obj, const lv_property_t * value);
lv_property_t lv_obj_get_property(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_prop_id_t id);

lv_prop_id_t lv_obj_property_get_id(const lv_obj_class_t * clz, const char * name);

Property ID(属性ID)


lv_prop_id_t identifies which property to get/set. lv_property_t is an enum value defined in lv_obj_property.h that are grouped by widget class. You can add your own widget property ID following same rule and using helper macro LV_PROPERTY_ID. Do make sure the ID is unique across all widgets.

Property ID is a 32-bit value. The higher 4bits indicates the property value type. The lower 28bits is the property ID.

Note that lv_style_prop_t is also valid property ID.

lv_prop_id_t 用于标识要获取/设置的属性。lv_property_t 是在 lv_obj_property.h 中定义的枚举值,按照部件类进行分组。 您可以按照相同规则并使用辅助宏 LV_PROPERTY_ID 来添加自己的部件属性标识。请确保该标识在所有部件中是唯一的。


请注意,lv_style_prop_t 也是有效的属性标识。

Property Value(属性值)


Property value is a union of all possible property types including integer, pointer and color. _style is kept their just to indicate it's compatible with style value type.

属性值是所有可能的属性类型的并集,包括整数、指针和颜色。 _style 只是保留它们,以表示它与 style 值类型兼容。

A Step Further(更进一步)


The unified widget property set/get API is useful when developing wrapper layer for other modules like micropython, lua, or for an external animation engine.

For pointer type of property value, which typically points to a specific struct, it still needs additional code to convert values from dict, table etc to a C struct before setting to widget.

Another possible use case is to ease of creating UI from lots of code. For example, you can gather all properties to an array now and set properties with a for loop.

lv_property_t props[] = {
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_SRC, .ptr = &img_demo_widgets_avatar, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_PIVOT, .ptr = &pivot_50, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_SCALE, .num = 128, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_OBJ_FLAG_CLICKABLE, .num = 1, },
    { .id = LV_STYLE_IMAGE_OPA, .num = 128, },
    { .id = LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR, .color = (lv_color_t){.red = 0x11, .green = 0x22, .blue = 0x33}, },





lv_property_t props[] = {
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_SRC, .ptr = &img_demo_widgets_avatar, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_PIVOT, .ptr = &pivot_50, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_IMAGE_SCALE, .num = 128, },
    { .id = LV_PROPERTY_OBJ_FLAG_CLICKABLE, .num = 1, },
    { .id = LV_STYLE_IMAGE_OPA, .num = 128, },
    { .id = LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR, .color = (lv_color_t){.red = 0x11, .green = 0x22, .blue = 0x33}, },


