
Coding style(编码风格)

File template(文件模板)


Use misc/lv_templ.c and misc/lv_templ.h

使用 misc/lv_templ.cmisc/lv_templ.h

Naming conventions(命名规定)

  • Words are separated by '_'

  • In variable and function names use only lower case letters (e.g. height_tmp)

  • In enums and defines use only upper case letters (e.g. e.g. MAX_LINE_NUM)

  • Global names (API):

    • start with lv

    • followed by module name: button, label, style etc.

    • followed by the action (for functions): set, get, etc.

    • closed with the subject: name, size, state etc.

  • Typedefs

    • prefer typedef struct and typedef enum instead of struct name and enum name

    • always end typedef struct and typedef enum type names with _t

  • Abbreviations:

    • The following abbreviations are used and allowed:

      • dsc descriptor

      • param parameter

      • indev input device

      • anim animation

      • buf buffer

      • str string

      • min/max minimum/maximum

      • alloc allocate

      • ctrl control

      • pos position

    • Avoid adding new abbreviations

  • 单词之间用 '_' 分隔

  • 在变量和函数名称中仅使用小写字母(例如 height_tmp

  • 在枚举和定义中仅使用大写字母(例如 MAX_LINE_NUM

  • 全局名称 (API):

    • lv 开头

    • 后面是模块名称: 按钮、标签、样式 等。

    • 接下来是操作(对于函数): set、get 等。

    • 以主题结束: 名称、大小、状态 等。

  • 类型定义

    • 更喜欢 typedef structtypedef enum 而不是 struct nameenum name

    • 始终以 typedef structtypedef enum 类型写入名称 _t 结尾

  • 缩写:

    • 允许并使用以下缩写:

      • dsc descriptor(描述符)

      • param parameter(范围)

      • indev input device(输入设备)

      • anim animation(动画)

      • buf buffer(缓冲)

      • str string(行)

      • min/max minimum/maximum(最小值/最大值)

      • alloc allocate(分配)

      • ctrl control(控制)

      • pos position(位置)

    • Avoid adding new abbreviations(避免添加新的缩写)

Coding guide(编码指南)

  • Functions:

    • Write function with single responsibility

    • Make the functions static where possible

  • Variables:

    • One line, one declaration (BAD: char x, y;)

    • Use <stdint.h> (uint8_t, int32_t etc)

    • Declare variables where needed (not all at function start)

    • Use the smallest required scope

    • Variables in a file (outside functions) are always static

    • Do not use global variables (use functions to set/get static variables)

  • 功能:

    • 编写具有单一职责的函数

    • 尽可能将函数设置为 static 功能

  • 变量:

    • 一行,一个声明 (BAD: char x, y;)

    • 使用 <stdint.h> (uint8_t, int32_t etc)

    • 在需要的地方声明变量(并非全部在函数开始时声明)

    • 使用所需的最小范围

    • 文件中的变量(外部函数)始终是 静态

    • 不要使用全局变量(使用函数设置/获取静态变量)



Before every function have in .h files a comment like this:

 * Return with the screen of an object
 * @param obj pointer to an object
 * @return pointer to a screen
lv_obj_t * lv_obj_get_screen(lv_obj_t * obj);

Always use /*Something*/ format and NOT //Something

Write readable code to avoid descriptive comments like: x++; /*Add 1 to x*/. The code should show clearly what you are doing.

You should write why have you done this: x++; /*Because of closing '\0' of the string*/

Short "code summaries" of a few lines are accepted. E.g. /*Calculate the new coordinates*/

In comments use ` ` when referring to a variable. E.g. /*Update the value of `x_act`*/

在文件中的每个函数之前都有 .h 这样的注释:

 * Return with the screen of an object
 * @param obj pointer to an object
 * @return pointer to a screen
lv_obj_t * lv_obj_get_screen(lv_obj_t * obj);

始终使用 /*Something*/ 格式而不是 //Something

编写可读的代码以避免描述性注释,例如 x++; /*Add 1 to x*/。代码应该清楚地显示您在做什么。

你应该写下 为什么 这样做: x++; /*Because of closing '\0' of the string*/

接受几行的简短“代码摘要”。例如 /*Calculate the new coordinates*/

在注释中引用变量时使用 ` ` 。例如 /*Update the value of `x_act`*/

API Conventions(API规定)


To support the auto-generation of bindings, the LVGL C API must follow some coding conventions:

  • Use enums instead of macros. If inevitable to use defines export them with LV_EXPORT_CONST_INT(defined_value) right after the define.

  • In function arguments use type name[] declaration for array parameters instead of type * name

  • Use typed pointers instead of void* pointers

  • Widget constructor must follow the lv_<widget_name>_create(lv_obj_t * parent) pattern.

  • Widget members function must start with lv_<widget_name> and should receive lv_obj_t* as first argument which is a pointer to widget object itself.

  • struct APIs should follow the widgets' conventions. That is to receive a pointer to the struct as the first argument, and the prefix of the struct name should be used as the prefix of the function name too (e.g. lv_display_set_default(lv_display_t * disp))

  • Functions and structs which are not part of the public API must begin with underscore in order to mark them as "private".

  • Argument must be named in H files too.

  • Do not malloc into a static or global variables. Instead declare the variable in lv_global_t structure in lv_global.h and mark the variable with (LV_GLOBAL_DEFAULT()->variable) when it's used.

  • To register and use callbacks one of the following needs to be followed.

    • Pass a pointer to a struct as the first argument of both the registration function and the callback. That struct must contain void * user_data field.

    • The last argument of the registration function must be void * user_data and the same user_data needs to be passed as the last argument of the callback.

To learn more refer to the documentation of MicroPython.

为了支持自动生成绑定,LVGL C API 必须遵循一些编码约定:

  • 使用 enums 代替宏。如果不可避免地使用 defines在 define 之后使用 LV_export_CONST_INT(defined_value) 导出它们。

  • 在函数参数中,使用 type name[] 数组参数的声明而不是 type * name 类型

  • 使用类型化指针而不是 void* 指针

  • 小部件构造函数必须遵循该 lv_<widget_name>_create(lv_obj_t * parent) 模式。

  • Widget 成员函数必须以 lv_<widget_name> 开头并且应该首先接收 lv_obj_t* ,该参数是指向 widget 对象本身的指针。

  • struct API 应遵循小部件的规定。即接收一个指向 struct 的指针作为第一个参数,并且名称的前缀struct也应该用作函数名称的前缀(例如 lv_display_set_default(lv_display_t * disp)

  • 不属于公共API的函数和 structs 必须以下划线开头,才能将它们标记为“private”。

  • 参数也必须在 H 文件中命名。

  • malloc 不要写入静态或全局变量。而是在 lv_global_t 结构中声明变量,并在使用时 lv_global_t(LV_GLOBAL_DEFAULT()->variable) 标记该变量。

  • 要注册和使用回调,需要遵循以下操作之一。

    • 将指向 a 的指针struct作为注册函数和回调的第一个参数传递。 那 struct 必须包含 void * user_data 字段。

    • 注册函数的最后一个参数必须是 void * user_data ,并且 user_data 需要作为回调的最后一个参数传递。

要了解更多信息,请参阅 MicroPython 的文档。



Here is example to show bracket placing and using of white spaces:

 * Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param text '\0' terminated character string. NULL to refresh with the current text.
void lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text)
{   /*Main brackets of functions in new line*/

    if(label == NULL) return; /*No bracket only if the command is inline with the if statement*/


    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(label);

    /*Comment before a section*/
    if(text == ext->txt || text == NULL) {  /*Bracket of statements start inline*/


Use 4 spaces indentation instead of tab.

You can use astyle to format the code. Run code-format.py from the scripts folder.


 * Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param text '\0' terminated character string. NULL to refresh with the current text.
void lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text)
{   /*Main brackets of functions in new line*/

    if(label == NULL) return; /*No bracket only if the command is inline with the if statement*/


    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(label);

    /*Comment before a section*/
    if(text == ext->txt || text == NULL) {  /*Bracket of statements start inline*/


使用 4 个空格缩进而不是制表符。

您可以使用 astyle 来格式化代码。 code-format.py 从文件夹运行 scripts



pre-commit is a multi-language package manager for pre-commit hooks. See the installation guide to get pre-commit python package installed into your development machine.

Once you have pre-commit installed you will need to set up the git hook scripts with:

pre-commit install

now pre-commit will run automatically on git commit!

pre-commit 是一个用于预提交挂钩的多语言包管理器。请参阅 安装指南 ,将预提交 python 包安装到您的开发计算机中。

一旦 pre-commit 安装完成后, 您需要使用 设置githook脚本 命令。



The format-source local hook (see .pre-commit-config.yaml) runs astyle on all the staged source and header files (that are not excluded, see exclude key of the hook configuration) before entering the commit message, if any file gets formatted by astyle you will need to add the change to the staging area and run git commit again.

The trailing-whitespace hook fixes trailing whitespaces on all of the files.

本地 format-source 挂钩(请参阅 .pre-commit-config.yaml) 在输入提交消息之前对所有暂存源文件和头文件(未 排除,请参阅挂钩配置的关键)运行 astyle ,如果任何文件被 astyle 格式化,您将需要将更改添加到暂存区并再次运行 git commit

trailing-whitespace 挂钩修复所有文件上的尾随空格。

Skipping hooks(跳钩)


If you want to skip any particular hook you can do so with:


SKIP=name-of-the-hook git commit

Testing hooks(测试钩子)


It's no necessary to do a commit to test the hooks, you can test hooks by adding the files into the staging area and run:


pre-commit run name-of-the-hook