


The Flexbox (or Flex for short) is a subset of CSS Flexbox behaviors.

It can arrange items (child Widgets) into rows or columns (tracks), handle wrapping, adjust the spacing between items and tracks, handle grow to make item(s) fill remaining space with respect to min/max width and height.

To make a Widget a Flex container call lv_obj_set_layout(widget, LV_LAYOUT_FLEX).

Note that the Flex layout feature of LVGL needs to be globally enabled with LV_USE_FLEX in lv_conf.h.

Flexbox(弹性布局)(或简称 Flex)是 CSS Flexbox 的一个子集。

它可以将元素排列成行或列(轨道(tracks)),处理包裹,调整元素和轨道之间的间距,处理 grow 以使元素填充相对于最小/最大宽度和高度的剩余空间。

要使对象变为 flex 容器请调用 lv_obj_set_layout(obj, LV_LAYOUT_FLEX)

请注意,LVGL 的 flex 布局功能需要打开 lv_conf.h 中的宏 LV_USE_FLEX 启用。


  • tracks: rows or columns

  • main direction: row or column, the direction in which multiple items are placed first

  • cross direction: the direction perpendicular to the main direction

  • wrap: if there is no more space in the track, a new track is started

  • grow: if set on an item it will "grow" to fill the remaining space in the track. The available space will be distributed among items respective to their grow value (larger value means more space)

  • gap: the space between rows and columns or the items on a track

See CSS Flexbox for illustrations showing the meanings of these terms.


  • tracks(轨道):行或列

  • main direction(主要方向或主轴):行或列,元素放置的方向

  • cross direction(交叉方向或交叉轴):垂直于主方向

  • wrap(包裹):如果轨道中没有更多空间,则开始新的轨道放置元素

  • grow(增长):如果设置在一个元素上,它将增长以填充轨道上的剩余空间。 可用空间将根据其增长值分配给各个元素(值越大意味着空间越大)

  • gap(间隙):行和列或轨道上的元素之间的空间

有关显示这些术语含义的插图,请参见 CSS Flexbox

Simple Interface(简单接口)


Use the following functions to set and control the Flex layout on any parent Widget.


The parent Widget must be a Flex container for these styles to take effect. The functions below cause the parent Widget to become a Flex container if it is not already.



父 Widget 必须是 Flex 容器,这些样式才能生效。 下面的函数会导致父 Widget 成为 Flex 容器(如果它还不是)。

Flex flow(布局流向)


lv_obj_set_flex_flow(widget, flex_flow)

The possible values for flex_flow are:

These values cause the Widget's layout behavior to model CSS Flexbox behavior by combining flex-direction and flex-wrap as defined under flex-flow.

设置接口 lv_obj_set_flex_flow(obj, flex_flow),其中 flex_flow 的值可以是:

这些值导致 Widget 的布局行为模拟 CSS Flexbox 行为 通过结合 flex-directionflex-wrap (如 flex-flow 下定义)。

Flex align(对齐方式)


To manage placement of children use lv_obj_set_flex_align(widget, main_place, cross_place, track_cross_place) which makes the parent Widget model the Flex-container behavior defined here.

  • main_place determines how to distribute the items in their track on the main axis. E.g. flush the items to the right on LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW_WRAP. (It's called justify-content in CSS.)

  • cross_place determines how to distribute the items in their track on the cross axis. E.g. if the items have different height, align them against the bottom of the track. (It's called align-items in CSS.)

  • track_cross_place determines how to distribute the tracks (It's called align-content in CSS.)

The possible values are:

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START: means left when direction is horizontal, top when vertical (default)

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END: means right when direction is horizontal, bottom when vertical

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_CENTER: simply center with respect to direction

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_EVENLY: items are distributed so that the spacing between any two items (and the space to the edges) is equal. Does not apply to track_cross_place.

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND: items are evenly distributed in the track with equal space around them. Note that visually the spaces are not equal since all the items have equal space on both sides. This makes the space between items double the space between edge items and the container's edge. Does not apply to track_cross_place.

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_BETWEEN: items are evenly distributed in the track with no space before and after first and last items. Does not apply to track_cross_place.

See justify-content, align-items and align-content for illustrations of these values.

要管理孩子的对齐,请使用 lv_obj_set_flex_align(obj, main_place, cross_place, track_cross_place)

  • main_place 定义子元素在主轴方向上的对齐方式。 例如。 将 LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW_WRAP 上的元素向右刷新。 (它在 CSS 中称为 justify-content

  • cross_place 定义子元素在交叉轴的对齐方式。 例如。 如果元素具有不同的高度,则将它们放置在轨道的底部。 (在 CSS 中称为 align-items

  • track_cross_place 定义多行元素在交叉轴的对齐方式(在 CSS 中称为 align-content


  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START: 表示左侧水平,顶部垂直(默认)

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END: 表示右侧水平,底部垂直


  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_EVENLY: 元素的分布使得任意两个元素之间的间距(以及到边缘的间距)相等,包括首尾元素离容器边缘的距离。不适用于 cross_place

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND: 元素在轨道上均匀分布,元素两侧之间的间隔相等。请注意,从视觉上看,空间并不相等,因为所有元素的两侧都有相等的空间。第一个元素在容器边缘有一个单位的空间,但下一个元素之间有两个单位的间隔,因为下一个项有自己的适用间距。不适用于 cross_place

  • LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_BETWEEN: 元素在轨道上彼此之间的间隔相等,首尾元素贴合容器边缘。不适用于 cross_place

有关这些值的说明,请参阅 justify-contentalign-items 和align-content_

Flex grow(弹性增长)


Flex grow can be used to make one or more children fill available space in the track. When more than one child Widget have non-zero grow values, all available space will be distributed in proportion to their respective grow values. For example, if there is 400 px space remaining and 3 child Widgets with non-zero grow values:

  • A with grow = 1

  • B with grow = 1

  • C with grow = 2

A and B will occupy 100 px, and C will occupy 200 px.

Flex grow can be set on a child Widget with lv_obj_set_flex_grow(child, value). value needs to be >= 1 or 0 to disable grow on the child.

See flex-grow for an illustration of this behavior.

Flex grow(弹性增长)可用于让一个或多个孩子填满轨道上的可用空间。当很多孩子都有生长参数时,可用空间将按比例分配给生长值。例如,还有400像素的剩余空间和4个带有grow的对象:

  • A 增长 = 1

  • B 增长 = 1

  • C 增长 = 2

AB 的大小为 100 px,而 C 的大小为 200 px。

可以使用 lv_obj_set_flex_grow(child, value) 在子节点上设置 Flex 增长值。 value 需要 >= 1 或 0 才能禁用在孩子身上生长。

有关此行为的说明,请参阅 flex-grow

Style Interface(样式接口)


All Flex-related values are style properties under the hood so you can use them as you would any other style property.

The following flex related style properties exist:






所有与 Flex 相关的值都是底层的样式属性,可以像使用任何其他样式属性一样使用它们。 存在以下与 flex 相关的样式属性:






Internal padding(内部填充)


To modify the minimum space flexbox inserts between Widgets, the following functions can be used to set the flex container padding style:

These can, for example, be used if you do not want any padding between Widgets: lv_style_set_pad_column(&row_container_style, 0)

要修改对象之间的间距,可以在 flex 容器上设置以下样式属性:

  • pad_row 设置行之间的内边距。

  • pad_column 设置列之间的内边距。

例如,如果你不希望对象之间有任何填充,可以这样设置: lv_style_set_pad_column(&row_container_style, 0)

Other Features(其它功能)



If the base direction of the container is set the LV_BASE_DIR_RTL the meaning of LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START and LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END is swapped on ROW layouts. I.e. START will mean right.

The items on ROW layouts, and tracks of COLUMN layouts will be placed from right to left.


ROW 布局上的元素和 COLUMN 布局的轨道将从右向左放置。

New track(新轨道)


You can force Flex to put an item into a new line with lv_obj_add_flag(child, LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLEX_IN_NEW_TRACK).

Further Reading

Learn more about CSS Flexbox.

可以使用接口 lv_obj_add_flag(child, LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLEX_IN_NEW_TRACK) 强制 Flex 将元素放入新行。


A simple row and a column layout with flexbox

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * A simple row and a column layout with flexbox
void lv_example_flex_1(void)
    /*Create a container with ROW flex direction*/
    lv_obj_t * cont_row = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont_row, 300, 75);
    lv_obj_align(cont_row, LV_ALIGN_TOP_MID, 0, 5);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont_row, LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW);

    /*Create a container with COLUMN flex direction*/
    lv_obj_t * cont_col = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont_col, 200, 150);
    lv_obj_align_to(cont_col, cont_row, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 5);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont_col, LV_FLEX_FLOW_COLUMN);

    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        lv_obj_t * obj;
        lv_obj_t * label;

        /*Add items to the row*/
        obj = lv_button_create(cont_row);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, 100, LV_PCT(100));

        label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "Item: %"LV_PRIu32"", i);

        /*Add items to the column*/
        obj = lv_button_create(cont_col);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, LV_PCT(100), LV_SIZE_CONTENT);

        label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "Item: %"LV_PRIu32, i);


Arrange items in rows with wrap and even spacing

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * Arrange items in rows with wrap and place the items to get even space around them.
void lv_example_flex_2(void)
    static lv_style_t style;
    lv_style_set_flex_flow(&style, LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW_WRAP);
    lv_style_set_flex_main_place(&style, LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_EVENLY);
    lv_style_set_layout(&style, LV_LAYOUT_FLEX);

    lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont, 300, 220);
    lv_obj_add_style(cont, &style, 0);

    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        lv_obj_t * obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, 70, LV_SIZE_CONTENT);
        lv_obj_add_flag(obj, LV_OBJ_FLAG_CHECKABLE);

        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "%"LV_PRIu32, i);


Demonstrate flex grow

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * Demonstrate flex grow.
void lv_example_flex_3(void)
    lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont, 300, 220);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont, LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW);

    lv_obj_t * obj;
    obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
    lv_obj_set_size(obj, 40, 40);           /*Fix size*/

    obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
    lv_obj_set_height(obj, 40);
    lv_obj_set_flex_grow(obj, 1);           /*1 portion from the free space*/

    obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
    lv_obj_set_height(obj, 40);
    lv_obj_set_flex_grow(obj, 2);           /*2 portion from the free space*/

    obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
    lv_obj_set_size(obj, 40, 40);           /*Fix size. It is flushed to the right by the "grow" items*/


Demonstrate flex grow.

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * Reverse the order of flex items
void lv_example_flex_4(void)

    lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont, 300, 220);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont, LV_FLEX_FLOW_COLUMN_REVERSE);

    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        lv_obj_t * obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, 100, 50);

        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "Item: %"LV_PRIu32, i);


Demonstrate column and row gap style properties

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

static void row_gap_anim(void * obj, int32_t v)
    lv_obj_set_style_pad_row(obj, v, 0);

static void column_gap_anim(void * obj, int32_t v)
    lv_obj_set_style_pad_column(obj, v, 0);

 * Demonstrate the effect of column and row gap style properties
void lv_example_flex_5(void)
    lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_size(cont, 300, 220);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont, LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW_WRAP);

    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        lv_obj_t * obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, 70, LV_SIZE_CONTENT);

        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "%"LV_PRIu32, i);

    lv_anim_t a;
    lv_anim_set_var(&a, cont);
    lv_anim_set_values(&a, 0, 10);
    lv_anim_set_repeat_count(&a, LV_ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE);

    lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, row_gap_anim);
    lv_anim_set_duration(&a, 500);
    lv_anim_set_playback_duration(&a, 500);

    lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, column_gap_anim);
    lv_anim_set_duration(&a, 3000);
    lv_anim_set_playback_duration(&a, 3000);


RTL base direction changes order of the items

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * RTL base direction changes order of the items.
 * Also demonstrate how horizontal scrolling works with RTL.
void lv_example_flex_6(void)
    lv_obj_t * cont = lv_obj_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_style_base_dir(cont, LV_BASE_DIR_RTL, 0);
    lv_obj_set_size(cont, 300, 220);
    lv_obj_set_flex_flow(cont, LV_FLEX_FLOW_ROW_WRAP);

    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        lv_obj_t * obj = lv_obj_create(cont);
        lv_obj_set_size(obj, 70, LV_SIZE_CONTENT);

        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(obj);
        lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "%"LV_PRIu32, i);

API ***.. Autogenerated
